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Extracting features from vector files

We can get a closer look at the data in a vector data file by extracting a specific feature:

$ ogrinfo countries/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp ne_10m_admin_0_countries -fid 1 -q
Layer name: ne_10m_admin_0_countries
  scalerank (Integer) = 0
  featurecla (String) = Admin-0 country
  LABELRANK (Real) = 3.00
  SOVEREIGNT (String) = Afghanistan
  SOV_A3 (String) = AFG
  ADM0_DIF (Real) = 0.00
  LEVEL (Real) = 2.00

Here we used -fid 1 to ask for just the first feature, which turned out to be the country Afghanistan. If we wanted the second feature, we would use -fid 2, the third would be -fid 3 and so on.

We also used -q to tell ogrinfo to be 'quiet', meaning it doesn't print out summary information about the whole file. Try the command without the -q to see the difference.

We could have asked ogrinfo to do the same thing in a different way, by using an SQL query to specify the column:

$ ogrinfo countries/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp -sql 'SELECT * FROM ne_10m_admin_0_countries' -fid 1 -q

This might not seem useful, but the SQL query language allows us to ask all kinds of interesting questions.