Hello Web Maps

Joey Lee / @joeyklee
MaptimeYVR - March 17, 2015

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Hello Web Maps

Who Am I?

Joey Lee

Street Creds:

UCLA (2012), MIT Senseable City Lab (2013)

MSc, UBC Department of Geography (2015)


Critical Cartography | Creative Coding | Geospatial Technologies and Interactions

Why make interactive maps?

Interactive maps are powerful for visualization , presentation, sharing, and communication...

... and you can (ab)use the power of the web to allow exploration and enhance relevancy!

What are some tools?

Lot's out there, but some big ones:

  • Tilemill & Mapbox Studio / Mapbox & Mapbox.js / Turf.js
  • Leaflet.js
  • D3.js
  • CartoDB
  • Google Maps API
  • Openlayers
  • Unfolding Maps for Processing (not web based but worth looking at)

We will focus on Tilemill and Mapbox today :)

Just a few example projects for motivation...

Boston 3-1-1 (2012)


Boston's 3-1-1 Maintenance Phone Calls

(My first Tilemill Project!)

HubCab (2014)


Hubcab: Exploring New York City taxi trails and sharing our way to a more sustainable urban future

Community Energy Explorer (beta)


Exploring Metro Vancouver Renewable Energy

Propublica: Losing Ground


Visualizing Louisiana's sinking places

Stamen's Methane Visualizer (2014)


How leaky is your city?

David Leonard's Fatalatour


Los Angeles's Gun Related Deaths

Before Getting Started

Computers are friends...

...and google searching is your best friend

*The answer to most (all?) of your questions are somewhere on the web!

What makes a web map ?

  • 1. Maptiles*,
  • 2.Geodata / Feature Layers
  • 3. "The Web"

1.Maptiles *

*This isn't always the case, but for simplicity, let's just assume so :)


  • "... web maps are made out of many small square images called tiles"
  • "These tiles are typically 256x256 pixels and placed sided-by-side in order to create the illusion of a seamless image."



See: They are just little images cleverly stitched together!

Thanks @lyzidiamond & Mapbox for the info!

Oh! So that's how OpenStreetMap, GoogleMaps, and those slippy maps work?


Maptiles == MIND BLOWN

2. Feature Layers & Geodata


Feature Layers

"Feature layers are map layers that live on top of your base tiles. Sometimes you can interact with them (clicking to produce a popup, for example). "


Feature layers are typically geospatial datasets such as...

  • GeoJSON
  • Shapefiles
  • KML
  • CSV

GeoJSON, KML & Shapefiles


Imagine: Spreadsheet + Polygons in geospace

Probably your most common geospatial data types. We <3 geojson!

CSV (comma separated values)


Basically: Spreadsheet

Note: we can directly upload a .csv file into Tilemill if it includes columns with latitude & longitude coordinates

The cool thing is, we can render Feature layers as tiles or as vector (svg) depending on our needs, the sizes of our data, etc.

Today, we will render Feature Layers as Tiles

There are also things called "vector tiles" but we won't get into those today...

3. "The Web"

The Web

With web maps, the power to zoom, pan, toggle, click, drag, etc. comes from the friendly "web stack" of HTML, CSS, and Javascript and a variety of server technologies.

Check out Tilehut.js to get started setting up your own tileserver!

The Web

While the web stack is indeed a magical combo, today let's not worry about those gritty details.

Instead, let's let Tilemill and Mapbox work their magic and help us build our first interactive web map.

Go to Hello Web Maps Tutorial I to get started!

Thanks MaptimeYVR!

Special thanks to Sarah and Dimitry for organizing :)

Vancouver Crime Map (2013)